
It's What I Do

By Monica Fisco |

Women cooking pastaSteam rises from a pot on the stove while long noodles swirl inside. Red sauce pops and sizzles next to it. My hungry children ask for the hundredth time when dinner will be ready as they compete in a pre-dinner wrestling match. They're loud. They're hungry. They're running out of patience for our spaghetti dinner.

My phone lets out a long and low ring. I know it's a customer....

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Thinking about a phone for your child?

By Allie Johnson |
Girl with presents

I had visited store after store, sale after sale, searching for the perfect scooter for my 4-year-old son, when I finally found it! The scooter was lime green (his favorite color) with 3 wheels that lit up with LED lights, and black and white tassels hanging from the handlebars. I knew he would love it. I placed it in my shopping cart and headed to the checkout counter, when a thought occurred...

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What to do when you discover your child is using pornography

By Allie Johnson |

Mother Daughter Talk

Sometimes as parents, we forget that our children are people who have the same innate curiosity and desire for sex as we do. So what do we do when we discover our child has been exposed to or is watching pornography? Our natural reaction is fear; frustration; anger; sadness; and in some cases, awkwardness! How do we talk to our kids about the world of pornography?

  1. Stay Calm! It's...
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