Learn our stance on pornography, addiction, and recovery.
1. Pornography in all forms is destructive to individuals, families, and society.
2. Intimacy and Sexual Attraction are natural and appropriate within appropriate limits.
3. We believe healthy human relationships are the foundation to avoiding and overcoming pornography. This requires:
a. A desire to avoid or overcome pornography
b. Willingness to be completely honest and transparent
c. Accountability, acceptance, and responsibility for one's own actions
d. An understanding that Guilt and Shame are not the same thing
i. Guilt is a sense of remorse for discord in behavior and values, which motivates an individual to change in a positive way.
ii. Shame is a discord in behavior and values which negatively motivates an individual to hide the behavior rather than change.
4. Technology can be an aid, not a solution, to pornography.
a. We believe education about pornography and responsible technology use are essential to preventing and overcoming pornography addiction.
b. Instant notification can aid in timely positive human intervention
5. Pornography addiction is a real disorder that can be overcome with proper support and treatment by professionals.
6. NetAngel is not religiously affiliated.
7. We do not believe legislation is the solution to the problem, but encourage concerned parties to be involved politically to shape legislation as dictated by their own conscience.
NetAngel's mission is to educate and equip families and individuals with the tools and support needed to avoid and overcome the destructive effects of pornography.
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We are a group of innovators seeking to make the internet a safer place for the world. We understand the dangers of pornography and want to help people fight back. Our team is comprised of highly successful entrepreneurs and software engineers. But most importantly, we are parents who want to prepare our children for the world in a safe and controlled manner.
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